Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Winter is coming to a close and the coldest beginning of spring will begin. It's bright, vivid and shiny from rain. Green grass expels everywhere and tree's begin to form their new baby leaves. Spring flowers start their bloom and the sky is no longer a dusky gray, but a vibrant aqua. 

~Coming February 2016~

Egyptian Cotton warp
Random yellow and hot pink sparkles.
Variegated rainbow pinstripe rails

~Bright Spring~

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Things to come in January 2016!

Want a sneak peek of what is going on the loom in January? We plan to take a nice holiday break and come back with some wonderful things! 

So here we go....

To go on loom #1:

"Dark Winter"
Black accent sparkle strands
New Weave

To go on loom #2:

"Violet's Wonderland"
Purple/White accent sparkle strands
Crackle Weave

Saturday, September 12, 2015

~Bright Winter~

The fall has cleared and you are feeling the need for wool socks and tea in the morning. Fresh snow has begun to fall from the skies and the trees look barren. The moon and stars shine brighter than ever before. This is bight winter. 

Introducing, "Bright Winter". With silver glitter strands. Will be on the opposing loom same time as "True Autumn".

What's crack-a-lacken?

Soft summer is.

We are starting crackle weave this October! 😁

Friday, September 4, 2015

200th Wrap Giveaway!

These past 3 years have been amazing and wonderful. Here is a little something to show our appreciation. 

Names will be drawn September 8th!

Thank you from The Swehosky family!

Monday, August 24, 2015

~True Autumn~

Crisp leaves and silent walkways. You can hear a pin drop. School has started and fall is well underway. Turning the wood stove on, and making pumpkin spice lattes. Grabbing your old boots from the back of the closet and a scarf or two. This is True Autumn. You have been enduring the heat long enough, and are happy to see fall's face turn that corner.

I introduce to you, ~True Autumn~. The truest of the autumns with no influence from any other season. With added gold sparkle pinstripes.

Coming This October/November


Thursday, August 13, 2015

~Soft Summer~

Imagine, the warmth of the sun right before it sets. Sitting on the porch drinking tea and watching the leaves go from their normal crisp green to that faded dull green right before fall hits and hearing grasshoppers. Labor day camping trips at the lake sitting by the campfire. Enjoying the final bloom of your rose garden. This is soft summer. <3

Collection to begin September and release October

With silver sparkle strands as well


Friday, August 7, 2015


My favorite part of the process of baby wrap making is bundling them all up together and looking at all that color! IT is so beautiful! To imagine that every tiny square inch of that fabric had been touched by human hands is quite the thought isn't it? All 700+ strands had glided through fingertips, and every piece of weft glided through fingertips while winding. Hand weaving is such a rewarding hobby. Not only do I get the warm fuzies from knowing my wraps get to snuggles babies, but I also proudly like to admire where this business has come.  Some of my very first baby wraps were just solid stripes. I am still so proud of them as the first day I wove them. Now I find myself yearning to know more and HOW far I can push myself in regards to design, texture, and weave. I continually tell my husband I have no idea how long I will be ABLE to do this. Not when must I stop, but how far can I go! Over the years, I have had random ideas come to life and I still have SO many more I want to show you. I hope with this blog to give you a little story of inspiration with each collection to come. Maybe a post on my favorite things of weaving and maybe even some hardships. Welcome to the Calypso Handwoven family blog <3